New Job Posting! Fisheries Researcher

Fisheries Researcher position includes, but is not limited to, the following key job  functions and responsibilities: 

• Assist the Director of Fisheries in identifying potential impacts of Fisheries activities on  Aboriginal and Treaty rights and Aboriginal Title of the Mi’gmaq and propose actions that  will protect Aboriginal and Treaty Rights; 

• To coordinate research activities on Fisheries issues with MTI Staff and member  communities, in order to support community workshops and meetings, Fisheries summits,  meetings with Fisheries coordinators, and the Fisheries Advisory Committee; • To coordinate Fisheries research programs and projects, including the development of  

Treaty-Related Measures, Fisheries Governance models, Stewardship Plans, Marine  Protected Areas and Marine Spatial Planning, and position papers on fisheries topics; • To co-manage and report on work plans with the Director of Fisheries; • Research and prepare relevant documentation for workshops and meetings and for  general distribution within communities; 

• Support meetings with Community Representatives on Fisheries issues; • Assist in preparation of information and updates to Chiefs through in-person meetings  and written reports; 

• Work with the MTI Indigenous Knowledge and Research staff and consultants on  Indigenous Knowledge (IK) issues and scientific and technical matters; 

• To provide support to Director of Fisheries on Fisheries matters; 

• Supporting New Brunswick Mi’gmaq negotiators in fisheries negotiations and discussions  around Fisheries agreements; 

• Work with other MTI staff, consultants, and advisors as required; 

• Report to and take direction from the Director of Fisheries as required; and • Ensure that MTI policies and procedures are followed. 


• Post-secondary degree in anthropology, sociology, psychology, social science or related  field, plus 2 years’ experience in research; 

• One to five years of experience with relevant applied work with Indigenous  Knowledge, in social science, community-based monitoring, qualitative research  methods or related fields. 

• Knowledge and mix of experience in fisheries an asset. 

• Experience working and/or knowledge of Indigenous people 

• Proficient writing skills to communicate social and cultural ideas clearly and  succulently to a variety of audiences 

• Experience conducting qualitative, community-based research would be an asset • Experience in conducting interviews in focus group sessions and community  would be an asset 

• Proven ability to communicate effectively with diverse audiences such as  community members, elders, existing and potential clients, government staff, and  internal staff 

Candidates’ knowledge of the Indigenous language, culture and the Indigenous  communities of New Brunswick will be given the highest consideration. In addition,  Mi’gmawe’l Tplu’taqnn Incorporated may give preferential consideration to candidates  who are members of one of the Mi’gmaq communities of New Brunswick. 

SALARY: Salary will be based on experience, education, and knowledge.  Please send your application to 

Applications must be received by Friday, March 28, 2024, at 5:00 p.m. 

We thank all those who apply however, only those selected for further consideration will be contacted. Candidates are responsible for the timely receipt  of applications.

Mi’gmawe’l Tplu’taqnn Incorporated  - 40 Micmac Road Phone: 506.627.4696 - Eel Ground, NB E1V 4B1 - Fax: 506.627.4605


New Job Posting! Peacekeeping Program Coordinator


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